star trek

So Farewell Leonard Nimoy

By REV. edited by F.I.B

Stripped of emotions and human constraints, Star Trek’s Chief Science Officer, Mr. Spock, became the easiest catalyst for us to understand the simplicity of a peaceful life. Indeed, his good friend Captain Kirk said of all the souls he met, Spock was the most human.

It would be very easy to spend this post discussing the sad loss of the iconic Ambassador from the Star Trek universe and his amazing adventures and times on the Starship Enterprise, but it would be illogical as Spock has not died. Leonard Nimoy – actor, writer, director, poet, husband and father – has died.

He gave his life to playing Spock, for better and for worse, loving and hating the character in equal parts at the same time – his two volumes of memoir “I am not Spock” and “I am Spock” demonstrating this. His commitment to the character has grafted it into popular culture.

I can say little that other blogs, articles and obituaries won’t be saying. But, to me, Leonard is one of those actors who became fascinating to see, as he was as quirky and interesting and as eccentric as himself as he was Mr Spock.

I chose to remember him here, not with a clip from Star Trek, but with his song celebrating another fantasy creation which always, always makes me smile. I wouldn’t want to try and be clever so, like many other blogs, articles and obituaries, I say – Leonard Nimoy. Mr. Spock. Live long, and prosper.